Tips on Organizing a Household for an International Move


There are times in life when an overseas move is necessary whether you are searching for new adventures, moving to begin a new job or returning home after living abroad for an extended period of time. Sometimes it can be as easy as packing a suitcase and heading off but other times it can mean organizing your household belongings and shipping them internationally so they can meet you on the other end of the move.

Though the process of shifting your belongings from one country to another may seem overwhelming at first there are things you can do to make it easier. Professional movers help you pull off a successful overseas move as they are experienced and proficient when it comes to moving your household internationally.

  • Plan Ahead

With any move there is an increased likelihood of success if you take some time to organize your thoughts and begin planning for the move far in advance of the actual moving date. When relocating to a new country a long distance away this is even more crucial. An international move is usually quite complicated and moving a house full of belongings takes some work. Give yourself some time to get your head around it.

  • Map Out the Logistics

There are a lot of steps to take when moving your belongings internationally. Having a list of to-dos as well as knowing all the hoops you must jump through pull it off as stress-free and smoothly as possible is key. Research everything you will need to do like obtaining permits, customs requirements and all the ways your household items can be delivered in the destination country.

  • Find a Moving Company

Finding a professional and experienced moving company is one of the most important elements when you are planning to move your household belongings to another country. As with any move be sure to research any business you are considering in order to ensure your international relocation is successful. Find one specializing in long-distance overseas relocations so they are experts and can aid you in this endeavour.

  • Consider the Costs

When you decide to relocate a household from one country to another you can expect it to be a considerable expense so knowing what you are likely to pay is a good idea. This means you can budget how much money you will have spent when all is said and done. If relocating for work the company might cover some of the costs but remember there are still some you are going to be responsible for. Add these up.

  • Sell, Recycle and Donate

There is no point in shipping a bunch of things across the ocean that you do not really need or use. This is a perfect time to diligently go through all of your belongings sorting and purging many of them as you do. Remember you are paying to ship them and your load will be calculated by weight and quantity. Only take the items that are truly essential and that have personal value. You can go shopping in the new country.

  • Pick a Mode of Transport

If you are only sending a small number of personal belongings then using an airplane may be the best way to transport your items but if you are shipping things like furniture and other large pieces choosing ocean freight is the better option. You may also have to consider another method once it hits the port like truck or train. This choice will depend on what is most convenient, secure and less expensive in the new country.

  • Pack Efficiently

If you choose to pack your home up on your own be sure to be very careful with the organization within the boxes or containers. It might be a good idea to hire someone to do this part for you as a professional moving company will be experienced in preparing households for an overseas move. While you may be able to pull it off yourself it will be much more time-consuming and stressful than hiring someone.

  • Choose the Number of Containers

It might be smart to decide on the number of containers you want to pay to ship before you begin packing the home. This can help you to be more realistic about what needs to go with you and it may be easier to get rid of non-essential stuff when you already know you don’t have enough room for everything. You are going to pay by the number of containers so try to be conservative and go with less instead of more.

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